CTMC 2025
Join theatre administrators nationwide at this annual in-person event for tailored discussions, expert insights, and networking opportunities, held just before AACTFest 2025 in Des Moines.
Community Theatre Mgt Conference (CTMC)
June 22-24, 2025 in Des Moines, Iowa
National Festival
AACTFest Cycle

AACT’s annual Community Theatre Management Conference (CTMC) will once again be held in-person, June 22-24, in Des Moines, Iowa, just prior to AACTFest 2025.
This dynamic conference is open to administrators of all kinds–full-time professional managers, part-time office administrators, board members, or the dedicated volunteers who do it all!
Theatres of all sizes take advantage of this beloved conference, where participants gain valuable insight, best practices, and new perspectives through a customized series of intensive, topic-specific, large and small group discussions that speak directly to your unique challenges and experiences. A pre-conference questionnaire identifies and prioritizes topics for discussions, including:
- Sales and Marketing
- Other Sources of Earned Income
- Fundraising and Development
- Event Planning
- Season and Play Selections
- Policies and Procedures
- Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
- Education and Outreach
- Box Office Operations
- Board Development and Governance
- and more!
BIPOC Scholarship
AACT will be providing scholarships to the CTMC Conference to support and mentor theatre makers of color. Scholarship waives registration fees. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2025.

Chad-Alan Carr is the Founding Executive/Artistic Director of Gettysburg Community Theatre in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He serves on the AACT Board of Directors and was YouthFest Chair in 2017, 2019, and 2023. His accomplishments include directing the Eastern States Regional Premiere of The Penguin Project (theatre for youth with special needs), chartering the International Thespian Troupe for Gettysburg Area High School, and serving as a board member for Pennsylvania Association of Community Theatres, Eastern States Theatre Association, as well as AACT. A frequent presenter at AACTFests and participant in AACT Roundtables, Chad-Alan brings to CTMC a wealth of experience and an ability to create dynamic group interactions.
Testimonials from Previous Participants

"I especially appreciate the openness and honesty the group was able to achieve, without judgment or disparagement. That was what made this conference so helpful. As Chad-Alan reminded us, we are not alone and knowing that others in the theater community share our devotion and love for the arts as well as our worries and challenges was very reassuring and inspiring." - Dianne Beaulieu-Arms, Poison Apple Productions, Pittsburg, California
"I was totally amazed by the planning here and the wonderful offerings of the other members present; this was my first time and I have to say it was a totally rewarding experience and I took copious notes and will be reviewing them and re-transcribing them in the next two days! Wow! Kudos to all who organized this and specifically to Winston! You had it all covered! Wow! Thank you!" - Richard Grieger, The Summer Place, Naperville, Illinois
Conference Schedule
(subject to change)
Sunday, June 22
1:00PM Registration/Roundtable Discussions
5:30PM Dinner Break
7:00PM Roundtable Discussions
10:00PM Sessions end for the day
Monday, June 23
9:00AM Roundtable Discussions
11:30AM Lunch (Dutch Treat)
1:30PM Roundtable Discussion
5:30PM Dinner Break
7:30PM Roundtable Discussions
10:00PM End of Day
Tuesday, June 24
9:00AM Roundtable Discussion
Noon Wrap-up!
Conference Registration
(Registration closes Thursday, June 20, 2025)
Advance Registration
Available through June 1, 2025
Member Rate - $295
Non-Member Rate - $370
Registration After June 1
Available June 2 - June 20, 2025
Member Rate - $325
Non-Member Rate - $400
*AACTFest attendees receive a $15 discount.
As CTMC is held just prior to AACTFest 2025, conference attendees will receive the same special hotel and airline rates. Consider spending the entire week at AACTFest to continue networking, attend workshops, and enjoy fine theatre!
Refund Policy
Transfer/substitution requests are welcome through May 31, 2025. Refund, minus a 20% cancellation fee, will be made if cancellation and written request are received by May 31. For transfers or refunds please contact registrar, Karen Matheny at [email protected].
Forgot to select an add-on? Please make sure to reach out to your Registrar, Karen Matheny at [email protected] or at 817-732-3177 x2.