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The European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC) is the leading European network on cultural policy and management. It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 members in 40 countries. With the status of an international non-profit organization, ENCATC is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. ENCATC fosters close co-operation with networks worldwide concerned with the teaching of cultural policy and cultural management, in particular in Africa, the Asia–Pacific region, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.  [Website:]

IATC logo


The International Amateur Theatre Association (AITA/IATA) is a worldwide non- governmental organization of national centers, amateur theatres and individuals dedicated to promoting understanding and education through amateur theatre. Founded in Belgium in 1952, its members  operate in more than 80 countries on 5  continents, with the aim of making AITA/IATA the voice of the global amateur theatre community.  (AACT is the USA National Center for IATA/AITA, and Tim Jebsen of Midland (TX) Community Theatre is IATA/AITA's Vice President). The International Festival of Amateur Theatre and the World Festival of Amateur Theatre (Mondial du Théâtre) is organized by the Studio de Monaco and the International Association of Amateur Theatre, and has been held every four years in the Principality of Monaco since its inaugural festival in 1957.  [Website:]

International theatre institute


The International Theatre Institute (ITI) identifies itself as the world’s largest performing arts organization. Founded in 1948 by theatre and dance experts and UNESCO, the organization strives for “a society in which performing arts and their artists thrive and flourish.”  ITI advances UNESCO’s goals of mutual understanding and peace, and advocates for the protection and promotion of cultural expressions, regardless of age, gender, creed or ethnicity. It works to these ends internationally and nationally in the areas of arts education, international exchange and collaboration, and youth training.  [Website:]

IATC logo


The International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) is a non governmental organization benefitting under statute B of UNESCO. 2. The purpose of the IATC is to bring together theatre critics in order to promote international cooperation. Its principal aims are to foster theatre criticism as a discipline and to contribute to the development of its methodological bases; to protect the ethical and professional interests of theatre critics and to promote the common rights of all its members; and to contribute to reciprocal awareness and understanding between cultures by encouraging international meetings and exchanges in the field of theatre in general.  [Website:  Its publication, Critical Stages, is available online at]


AACT's Role

As America's national community theatre organization, AACT works with many of these organizations, through its Executive Director and/or its International Committee.

See also on our website:

AACTWorldFest International Festival

World Theatre Day