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AACT wants to help your theatre bestow a special honor within your community.

The AACT Spotlight Award must be confirmed by the AACT Awards Committee, but the criteria are very broad:

  • It is designed to help AACT organizational members pay tribute to an individual or organization for long or special service.
  • The Spotlight Award should not replace any acknowledgement the theatre might otherwise make, nor should it be simply for last season’s acting or technical work or outfront activities.
  • It should recognize outstanding dedication, service, or contribution to your theatre by a volunteer, staff person, or supporter.
  • It is for that special person, business, or group whose contributions have made a significant impact on the quality of your theatre.

Nominations should be submitted at least two months prior to the planned presentation date.

AACT will provide a frameable/mountable certificate and will attempt to send a presenter, if desired. The award can be presented any time. In addition, AACT will list the recipients in Spotlight and on the AACT website at

For additional information or help contact the AACT office at 817-732-3177 or [email protected]



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Nominating Theatre

Contact Info

Award Criteria


Upload, or paste in Statement Box below, a one-page statement of why the nominee deserves the AACT Spotlight Award, including specific activities illustrating the nominee's dedication and service to your theatre, and how your theatre has benefited.

One file only.
800 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt pdf doc docx.
Typed name serves as signature