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Spotlight is the official publication of the American Association of Community Theatre, your connection to America’s theatres. Published four times a year and distributed to 1,800 organizational & individual members, Spotlight is also available to members and non-members for viewing online. The Spring issue is mailed to 7,000+ community theatre contacts.
Spotlight is a great way to reach theatre customers
- Spotlight your services and products
- Provide targeted, inexpensive advertising
- Reach theatre leaders worldwide
More Information
- Spotlight Rates & Specs (PDF)
- Read Spotlight online
- For a print sample copy of Spotlight, or to reserve your advertising space, please contact Andrew Snyder at [email protected] or 817-732-3177, ext 109.
AACT Mailing List
- The AACT Mailing List includes 5000 community theatre organizations and over 3000 individuals, who are active in the productions or management of their local theatres.
- The AACT Mailing List is continually updated, as the information changes are received.
- Available lists in Ezxcel format include:
- Known Theatres List - all community theatre organizations in U.S. known to AACT (about 5000)
- Select List - subset of Known Theatres List with cross-the-country distribution (about 1000)
- Big List - community theatre organizations and interested individuals (about 7000)
- Regional List - subset of above lists targeted to particular states
- Email list - for theatre organizations available separately (about 3000)
- Click here for a PDF with more mailing list information and rates.