Mission Statements
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"A mission statement one of the most important things a company should do," wrote veteran community theatre consultant Twink Lynch. "It's one of the first things a company should do when it starts out, and it's a good idea to look it over every once in a while as the years go by."
Why is a mission statement so important? For one thing, it crystallizes just why you formed your group in the first place. It also helps others to know just what you're all about. It lets company members, your audience, donors, and the community know what you are and what you stand for. And as the years go by, it helps newcomers to understand as well. It also helps keep you on track, so you don't spread yourself too thin, or to go off in directions for which you're not equipped.
Mission, Vision and Values
A mssion statement should be clear and concise. In order to provide additional insight into your theatre company's purpose, you also may want to include a vision statement or a statement of core values.
Mission: This is what your company actually does. Keep it short and sweet, and easy to remember. It’s tempting to use fancy words that sound good but end up not meaning much. Your mission statement should be specific enough that people understand what you do and how you differ from other theatres. Keep this brief--you can expand people's understanding of your company by adding a vision statement and/or core values.
Vision: This is what your company aspires to be. In many cases, this will look very different from a company’s mission statement. A mission statement is what you do now, a vision statement is what you want to be doing tomorrow and in the future. When done right, your vision statement can and should drive decisions and goals for your company.
Core Values: Mission and vision statements define where you’re going, but core values are all about what you are. What are the defining features of your company and how you operate? These values support your vision and shape your company culture. Try to limit your list of values to five or six. Beyond that, you’re going into too much detail, and staff or volunteers will struggle to remember all of them.
More Help: "Is Your Mission Clear?" -- a PDF sample of the hundreds of articles in the AACT Reference Library that are available to AACT members.
Sample Statements
Market House Theatre, Paducah, KY
The mission of the Market House Theatre is to develop and share the creative potential of the people of our region through theatre and the performing arts.
Raleigh Little Theatre, Raleigh, NC
Raleigh Little Theatre is a welcoming community using theatre to enrich, educate, entertain and engage volunteers, students and audiences of all ages. Our Vision is to offer innovative, engaging and diverse theatre and education.
Woodland Opera House, Woodland, CA
The mission of Woodland Opera House, Inc. is to preserve and operate the historic Woodland Opera House, a California State treasure, for the benefit of the region and to nurture performing arts.
Towne Street Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
The Towne Street Theatre’s mission is to create, develop and produce original work that is reflective of the African American experience and perspective. A Black female-led theatre arts organization, Towne Street provides a home for a diverse group of artists to be free in their efforts to create and explore theatre without constraints.
Weathervane Community Playhouse , Akron, Ohio
Weathervane's mission is to enrich the quality of life and engage the community through theatre and education.
Weathervane’s vision is to be one of the foremost community-based playhouses in the country that serves a region through the theater, as evidenced by:
- Consistent excellence in high-caliber, diverse, challenging theater productions compels our community to attend, participate in, and discuss the ideas and human conditions presented on our stages.
- The enthusiastic commitment of hundreds of volunteers who devote their time, talent, and treasure in a uniquely rewarding environment.
- Exceptional educational programming for both children and adults provides essential life skills through stage skills.
- The financial stability that reflects both our market value and intrinsic civic worth through maximization of earned income and diversified, robust contributed income.
- Its place as a community treasure that profoundly affects peoples’ lives.
Cleveland Public Theatre, Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Public Theatre’s mission is to raise consciousness and nurture compassion through groundbreaking performances and life-changing education programs.
CPT develops new, adventurous work; and nurtures Northeastern Ohio artists—particularly those whose work is inventive, intelligent, and socially conscious.
CPT’s acclaimed education programs engage communities in devising new works that speak to contemporary issues, and empower participants to work for positive change in our community.
Elgin Theatre Company Elgin, Il
The mission of the Elgin Community Theatre is to challenge, inspire, nurture and entertain diverse artists and audiences, including the hearing impaired, with quality theatrical experiences.
The goal of the Elgin Theatre Company is to provide quality entertainment to Elgin and the surrounding northwest suburbs.
Stage Left Theatre, Spokane, WA
Our Mission: To tell stories, build community, and pursue equity through the production of new and existing theatrical works.
Huntington Theatre, Boston MA
The Huntington Theatre Company engages, inspires, entertains and challenges audiences with theatrical productions that range from the classics to new works; we train and support the next generation of theatre artists; we provide arts education programs that promote life-long learning to a diverse community; and we celebrate the essential power of the theatre to illuminate our common humanity.
Theatre Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, AL
Theatre Tuscaloosa improves the quality of life in West Alabama by producing world-class theatrical and educational programs that encourage all people to engage in the art of live theatre on stage, behind the scenes, in the classroom, and in the audience.
Cheyenne Little Theatre Players, Cheyenne, WY
Mission: Celebrating creativity and community enrichment through theatre.
Vision: To be the theatrical hub in our region through memorable experiences, education, community integration, and professional practices.
1) Safe in all ways
2) Committed to professional quality.
3) Respect for people, processes and the theatre.
4) Driven by passionate volunteers
Cottage Theatre, Cottage Grove, OR
Engaging and enriching our community through the magic of live theatre.
Our core values are at the heart of our theatre community and guide everything we do.
We are embracing. We strive to create a welcoming environment where everyone’s contributions are valued. We hold those who attend theatre and those who create theatre in equal regard.
We are aspiring. We act boldly, we work hard, and we have fun. We aim for excellence and a continually higher standard with every production.
We are enduring. We manage with integrity and an eye toward the future, so that Cottage Theatre remains vibrant and thriving for future generations of participants and audiences.
Des Moines Community Playhouse, Des Moines, IA
To create extraordinary, shared experiences through live theatre.
To be the home for artistic collaboration where any story can be told.
The story: We commit to telling each story with cultural and artistic integrity.
The space: We commit to ensuring an accessible home for theatre experiences.
The community: We commit to bringing friends and neighbors together to create live theatre.
The individual: We commit to honoring each person’s unique contributions, perspectives, and talents.
Kettle Moraine Playhouse, Slinger, WI
We Are…
Players in theatrical productions who apply our craft behind and in front of the lights. We can be joined only by substantial participation in the organized preparation and presentation of a theatrical work. Our community is centered in the greater Kettle Moraine area and does not have boundaries.
We believe…
We improve as we become more diverse because theatre is a reflection of society.
Quality theatre is created by people with passion who desire to constantly improve their craft.
We exist…
To have fun.
To produce quality entertainment.
To enrich our community by broadening their experiences and thoughts thru theatre.
To provide our community the opportunity both to attend and to participate in quality stage productions.
To advance theatre everywhere.